Thursday, December 31, 2009

Most Expensive Book Sales 2009

How much are you willing to pay for a Hardcover at your local superstore these days - $25-$35? (Much more if you're forced to purchase for a university class, of course.)

How about $14k for a set of signed Stephen King books? $12.5k for Dickens? $11k for F. Scott's Tender is the Night?

Abebooks shares it all, with subcategories for children's, photography, and religious - to the tune of $11k! What book does this describe:

Printed and published at the Golden Cockerel Press in 1931. Limited to 500 numbered copies with 64 wood-engraved initial letters and illustrations by Gill.

Yes, this fits under sister blog Word, but it's also a snap shot on what our culture values. Indeed, maybe we're not as technology-addled, as we think.

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