Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Science vs. Religion Again? No, just common sense...

So we got another one of those weird "Teacher fired for teaching creationism and hating Evolution" cases...

Link? LINK!

While I hear of reprimands to such teachers and slapping on the wrists.... But termination of a teacher's position regarding such a matter seems to be the first that I come across (though I am sure it's happened elsewhere)....

But they had a whole trial for this man's removal as a teacher...

6,000 pages of transcripts and 350 exhibits later, the court agreed that the man was right to be fired....

Sounds a tad similar to the Scopes Monkey Trial at the beginning of the century where a man decided to teacher his beliefs in evolution and was removed from his teacher post, and later went to trial, which, is kind of a big deal in history books....

I have really no spin on this trial. I agree with the decision of the court... If you can gather 350 pieces of evidence demonstrating that a teacher was continuously refusing to teach the material that the curriculum asked him to teach then he should be fired.

Teachers like the rest of us are hired to do a job. And like most of us would get in trouble for spouting our religious beliefs in the workplace, I don't think the teachers themselves should be exempt just because they disagree with the curriculum. If the man didn't want to teach it, he could have resigned.


deepti said...

thats funky and good

Aging Ophelia said...

Does kind of make you wonder why that teacher was never hired by the kind of school he would be comfortable teaching at... Perhaps he just wanted desperately to be a voice crying out in the wilderness.
People that believe they are epic can be a PITA!
Peace, Mari

Vermont Dad said...

Science is about proof and repeatability. Religion is about belief and miracles. Only a few can see or teach both. So the much better course is to keep them separated. Just like church and state. said...

He's getting big!!! Someday Maya will be that big. She'll be six months next week. Time flies!!

́ entrar said...

thank you for sharing