Friday, February 24, 2012

Dawkins: Not an Atheist Actually

Richard Dawkins talks to the Archbishop of Canterbury and admits he can't prove there is not a God (whew!) and he's actually at an agnostic during a festival of public discussion about religion in Great Britain.


Tyler Cummings said...

We just a discussion about this in class the other day. It was about how most "atheists" are usually just antagonistic.

maids slc said...

We all have our own perspective.

RilianSharp said...

dawkins is an agnostic atheist.

GrumpyFaceHappyFace said...

Atheist is a statement that you have no belief in a god or gods. Agnostic means you don't know.

You can be a "gnostic theist" meaning you KNOW and believe there's a God, an "agnostic theist" meaning you don't KNOW but you believe anyways. You can be a "gnostic atheist" which means you KNOW there's no god and you have no believe in it, or an "agnostic atheist" meaning you don't KNOW/can't prove it but you have no belief.

Dawkins is still an atheist...

Unknown said...

The best anybody can say is they are agnostic. No one knows.NoOne KNOWS.