Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quick Thinker? You probably believe in God. Situation Analyzer? You probably don't believe in God

An interesting report published by some cognitive science researchers at Harvard reveals that people who are more intuitive in their thinking are more likely to believe in God. In contrast, more reflexive people are less likely to believe in God. Intuition in the study was defined as instinctive and "as the tendency to rely on first instincts and to reach decisions quickly and then stick by them. Reflection, on the other hand, is a slower process that involves questioning initial instincts and looking at a wider range of alternatives."

 The head of the research is adamant that there is no bias in the study and I tend to agree because if someone was doing a polemic against people who believed in God, there are several other more degrading words than intuition.

 Nonetheless, for me, the topic touches on an all too awkward issue.... that people's brain capacity and the way certain people think has a correlation with whether they believe or not... or in other words, heaven is that much easier to attain for those who are more intuitive whereas, if the study is accurate, reflexive thinks are less likely to believe by way of how their brain functions...

 It's these scientific arguments that make me sympathetic to the predestination arguments. However, the fact that what we are dealing with here is correlation, or an association between intuition/reflection, belief/unbelief reminds me that we are not dealing with a fact of causation where if one is intuitive in their thinking, they will definitely believe in God
  The article is here.

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