Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Jesus Loves Pornstars?

Read Here. Think about what Craig Gross is saying. Do you agree?

Craig Gross (pictured top left) is one of my favorite Christian speakers/writers. He has written many books, and continually confronts the whoas of an America addicted to porn. He debates Ron Jeremy (a porn star who is pictured top right) a lot too. He thinks these debates are a good thing. If you read the article he wants to do them in churches. Kind of out there. But he thinks there is good reason for it.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think this is very positive.

Thanks for sharing :)

brian said...

Not sure about this. On the one hand he (Craig) may be able to help someone at one of these debates to understand the dangers of porn for your soul.
On the other: what Pastor in their right mind would let a man come to his church and share the glories of porn with his congregation?
Even if it was counter debated, it would be unwise move.
As for befriending Ron: what does he wants us to do pat him on the back for being friends with a sinner? We are all friends with sinners for crying out loud-how else are you going to win them?!