How much are you willing to pay for a Hardcover at your local superstore these days - $25-$35? (Much more if you're forced to purchase for a university class, of course.)
How about $14k for a set of signed Stephen King books? $12.5k for Dickens? $11k for F. Scott's Tender is the Night?
Abebooks shares it all, with subcategories for children's, photography, and religious - to the tune of $11k! What book does this describe:
Printed and published at the Golden Cockerel Press in 1931. Limited to 500 numbered copies with 64 wood-engraved initial letters and illustrations by Gill.
Yes, this fits under sister blog Word, but it's also a snap shot on what our culture values. Indeed, maybe we're not as technology-addled, as we think.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Most Expensive Book Sales 2009
Posted by
11:19 PM
Labels: Books
Nona Freeman: Help with Wikipedia Entry
We're woefully behind on the news of Sis. Nona Freeman's passing away on December 26, 2009. She was 93. She's a giant whose absence won't be easily filled.
A Wikipedia entry has begun on her. Please add any facts you can to make this entry as robust as possible!
Posted by
11:38 AM
Labels: Nona Freeman
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hijacking Hero for Hire
So you saved the plane from blowing up and everyone calls you a hero and wants to interview you!
Here's how CNN got the first exclusive - and paid the hero indirectly, according to TV Newser.
The New York Times chimes in on the business end of an exclusive.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Years Resolution: Read Bible.
If one is looking for a schedule to read the bible, I highly suggest you go to fellow UPC Miniter, Arlo Moehlenpah's website at There you will find different schedules to read the bible next year including how to read the bible in a year, in 90 days, or even if you are like me who likes taking the bible a bit slower, a schedule for how to read the bible in 3 years.
To top it off, you can find resources such as questions, quizzes, and powerpoint presentations to aid your bible reading journey for you and whatever bible reading patriots you choose to journey with....
And yes it's all Free!
If anyone knows Arlo Moehlenpah, he is ones of the nicest most loving individuals you will ever meet. Not to mention he is extremely intelligent, so to say whatever material he offers on will be helpful is an understatement.
Posted by
Joel Riley
2:04 PM
Just how bad are things in Detroit these days?
Well, your therapy if found in our link today: 4 houses listed to buy all under the price of $100 in the city of Detroit. That's right, I said $100 dollars. The cheapest is $10 (pictured)! Why for prices like these, why not buy 2 houses? Or even a whole city block?
Posted by
Joel Riley
1:43 PM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Nona Freeman Update
12/24/09 @ 8:30 a.m. - UPDATE ON SISTER NONA FREEMAN.
From: Sandra Freeman - daughter of Nona Freeman
Based on her condition now; Mom is as weak as she can get and is not responsive at all. Her home going could be any moment. She is the lowest we have seen her the entire time. The family is by her bedside 24/7 and she does not recognize nor respond to anyone. She does not even respond to prayer, singing or scripture read to her and the world knows that is the life of Nona Freeman.
She is still not in any pain and we are doing all we can for her. She is not taking any fluids or nourishment and her doctors and hospice has removed all her meds except for patch forms. Everything is being done for her according to her wishes.
Now not only do we face losing my precious mom but there is also an unusually strong winter storm predicted for our area and our family is traveling in these conditions.
To the world she is Nona Freeman; Foreign Missionary; minister or legend but to us; this is our precious mother! Thanks for all your prayers and messages that is so comforting; we read them all. Please continue to pray for us now and in the days ahead. Updates will be released daily.
In Jesus' Name
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: Nona Freeman
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Atlanta West on Good Morning America
Atlanta West Pentecostal Church's award-winning choir sang "Joy to the World" on ABC's Good Morning America today.
Don't miss it!
Posted by
3:25 PM
Labels: Atlanta West
Top Ten Tech failures of 2009
However, one tradition that I have been silently enjoy for the past 3-4 years is the year end "best of/worst of the year" lists. I am a complete sucker for them. I can't get enough of them. This year is a special year as many lists are "Best of the Decade" lists which is even more nostalgic goodness.
Suddenly I find myself actually caring about the "Ten best investments of 2009" when before such a list, I had spent zero-no time caring about investing. Well, one list that really drew my attention was the "Top Ten Tech Fails of 2009".
I was reminded at how hyped up the Conficker Worm was only to see absolutely no damage done on April 1st.
But in the article, the author remarks that "this (2009) was the year that social media exploded."
And this was validated in the article itself where 5 of the 10 tech failures were social networking related (6 if you count Gmail).
I probably would have thought 2008 would be the year that social media exploded, and see 2009 as more of the year when all the social media became centralized and organized according to function.
Posted by
Joel Riley
11:22 AM
Monday, December 21, 2009
Nona Freeman Update
Greetings in the name of Jesus;
This is an update about Sister Nona Freeman’s condition. As you were advised on December 8, 2009 hospice has been called in to her. Since then she has lost so much strength and is no longer able to even feed herself. This week a hospital bed was brought to her home to better care for her and she made the statement. ‘This is the where I will go to meet God.’ At that time it did not seem it would be a reality but even today she is weakened. Unless it is the will of God to intervene her home going could be anytime due to her present condition. She is not in any pain but at times is non-responsive nor has the strength to communicate.
Next to Jesus and her ministry, her family, friends and supporters has always been her life. Per her own conversations to her staff this past week; it is her desire for her messages and devotionals on various forums to be continued. She personally spent time last week to prepare this and made the statement, ‘I have spent hours writing in airports, hotel rooms or other places for publications and recordings that I leave behind for the work of God. It is my desire my postings continue because so many are hurting and I won’t be here.’ True to her word, she has left months of prepared messages.
Some of her family is with her and are doing everything possible to see she is comfortable. Every conversation is about her longing to see Jesus then ‘My Bug’ her beloved husband of 62 years also now gone on to be with the Lord.
Where most of us have traveled areas she traveled CONTINENTS for the name of Jesus but now is anxious to reap her reward. Everyone is so supportive and the Nona Freeman family wants to advise everyone of her weakened condition because even they are shocked and asks for your prayers in the days ahead. Not only is it their mother, grandmother, etc., but a gospel legend that has blazed the Apostolic trail for us to follow.
Anyone desiring to do so may leave a message or comment. What better time to say, ‘Thank you for giving to the Lord’ to Sister Nona Freeman; and to her beloved family’s thanks for sharing her with the world.’
There will be updates posted daily. Blessings in the name of Jesus.
Posted by
5:43 PM
Labels: Nona Freeman
Sunday, December 20, 2009
An ugly story...
An Apostolic church daycare just outside of Cincinnati,OH is being investigated by local police because of some daycare workers allegedly providing melatonin to the children at the daycare to induce them into naps at the daycare.
Needless to say, such actions are illegal.
The church has reportedly fired all workers who are involved in the mess. However, if the allegations prove true, this could be an even messier situation in months to come.
Posted by
Joel Riley
10:36 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Aps In This Decade: Where Are We Now?
Our cover this week queried Apostolics across North America to answer three questions:
1. The biggest change(s) in the Apostolic movement over the last decade include(s):
2. One (or more) highlight(s) of the past decade for the Apostolic Movement include:
3. The Apostolic Movement's biggest challenge in the coming decade is:
You read their answers. What are yours? Who did you agree and disagree with? Why?
Comment below!
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: State of the Ap Movement
Monday, December 14, 2009
Great Christmas Program Idea
Have you seen the (silent) singing monks "sing" the Hallelujah Chorus? Perfect for a children's / youth program.
Posted by
1:41 PM
Labels: Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Day is When?
Did you know that most scholars don’t believe our Christmas tradition doesn’t have pagan roots? Do you know what the 12 days of Christmas actually are? Lots of fascinating information in this article from Biblical Archaeology Review about "How December 25 Became Christmas."
For instance:
“So, almost 300 years after Jesus was born, we finally find people observing his birth in midwinter. But how had they settled on the dates December 25 and January 6?
There are two theories today: one extremely popular, the other less often heard outside scholarly circles (though far more ancient).”
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: Christmas
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Nona Freeman: Her Final Public Email?
Matriarch and missionary great Nona Freeman sent an email to the world last Tuesday that seems to denote her days of ministry are behind her. If you've ever been touched by her ministry, laughed at her stories, read her many books, then you'll understand what a loss this is.
From: Nona Freeman
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:46 PM
Subject: Dear Friends; Fans & Email Buddies of Nona Freeman;
Dear Friends; Fans & Email Buddies of Nona Freeman;
Greetings in the name of Jesus. This is just to update everyone about my condition. The Lord has blessed me to live 93 wonderful years and as the lyrics record truly, 'I Don’t Regret A Mile I've Traveled For The Lord.' God has been my constant love and keeper. I marked my 70th year in the ministry April 12, 2009. My life has been one amazing blessing and miracle after another. I had a loving childhood; married a man that I still love to this day and God blessed me with five amazing children.
We were called to Africa but long before we got to go there our hearts were there; then 41 years later we returned to the United States . After the death of my beloved husband 'E.L. 'Bug' Freeman in 1999 my wonderful daughter Sandra Freeman has devoted her life to seeing I have been able to continue my ministry that God called me to when I was but a child. I am blessed to still enjoy the benefits of my new computer my supporters blessed me with for my 70th ministerial anniversary that I am sending this message to you on.
I am sorry but I am no longer able to continue my schedule due to my health from sickness I suffered in January 2009. God has blessed me not only with a wonderful daughter to see I can carry on my ministry but wonderful aides that devote their time to see the work of Nona Freeman; my ministry, my books and messages can still go out. I am sorry I am not nor have been able to take personal calls as I desire and have done so in the past; my energy just does not allow it now.
For a few weeks now I have been under the care of hospice that comes to my home. Please bear in mind; I am in no pain but I am ready for God to take me. I am getting weaker. I have fought a good fight; I have kept the faith and I have traveled the world in obedience to Gods call on my life to answer the call God placed on mine and Bugs heart to carry this Jesus name gospel. Our ministry has been our life. I have the greatest family a person could ever have but I am ready to see my Jesus, my mother and my daughter Marla now gone to be with the Lord; many other loved ones, prophets and apostles of old. But next to Jesus my heart is so longing to see my 'Bug'. I miss him more every day.
I am honored for every prayer that has been prayed for me and ask your continual prayers in the days ahead. May all of my precious supporters have the best holiday and my prayer is not only for 2010 but the rest of your lives be filled with the blessings of Jesus. Please remember me and the name of Jesus I have and will always uphold. Until we meet again, Sister Nona Freeman
Posted by
11:33 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Politically Incorrect Tradition of Old that is still around: Sitting on Santa's Lap
For what will most likely be your best 10 minutes of your day on the internet, please visit the following site:
Sketchy Santas
For an awesome synopsis of the material on the site: Please watch the following video. Please have patience with the slide presentation, as the song itself is incredible. I couldn't have done a better rendition myself (the best part is the song just gets better and better. And just when you thought the song had reached it's height in awesomeness, it enters into "Super Internet Hall of Fame Territory")-
Sketchy Santa from Coty Gonzales on Vimeo.
My Commentary in brief: First off, I laughed and laughed at the pictures. That said, this sight really got me thinking: How in the world is allowing children to sit on the lap of a middle-aged bearded man who is dressed like a candy cane acceptable? Sure I understand the custom permissible even upwards of ten years ago....
But the spirit of the times certainly should make such a custom obsolete. With parents in more fear of pedophilia than death itself, one would think the whole sitting on Santa's lap thing would go way of Everyone's Connected. But yet this antiquated tradition of old is still a mainstay in mall's throughout America come Christmas time.
I used to always think that the kids who sat on Santa's lap and cried and cried and cried in fear were absolute cowards....
But after looking at this site, these kids are just very observant to know their surroundings are not natural...
Think about....these kids get ushered in a gigantic line full of other controlling parents and their own kids wherein they will not be allowed to leave the line to go to the bathroom. The line then works their way up to some kind of throne of sorts which is protected by a bunch of usually diminutive men and women dressed like a poor man's leprechaun. And on this throne is this very strangely bearded man dressed as a fire-hyrdant whose tagline is in an unintelligible tongue (ho ho ho). But then on top of this weirdness, the kid is forced and yanked to sit on this weird dudes lap....
If I was forced into such a ploy today, I may very well cry too....
Posted by
Joel Riley
9:39 PM
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Cool Idea #27: Pay It Backward
Occasional contributor Cylinda Nickel offered this idea on Facebook and we had to share it:
"Don't you love shocking people? I paid for the people behind me at the drive through and secretly watched their faces. He was shocked, she covered her face with her hands. They honked, waved, and blew me kisses. It takes so little of our time and money to bless others- Why not pay it backward today. You know you want to!!!"
She added that an imitator in Canada did it at a Tim Horton's today.
This holiday season, why don't you give it a try?
Posted by
7:27 AM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Study reveals that I am angry (obvious)
For today's celebration of the joys of youth, please visit the following article:
Study Reveals the Angriest Americans
Here you will find a list of the Angriest Americans....
And you're winner?
As if us cynical, discontent, and cranky young people needed one more thing to complain about..."....people under 30 experienced anger of all forms or intensities more frequently than did older adults. This was mainly due to the fact that young people are more likely to be affected by three core stressors that can trigger angry feelings, Schieman said:
- Time pressures
- Economic hardship
- Interpersonal conflict at the workplace."
We get to complain about the fact that we are angry...
Time Pressures? Never Enough time in the day to sit on facebook just a little bit longer to "like" someone's facebook status....
Economic Hardship? It can get awfully hard paying for that hefty mortgage living in your parents house (sarcasm).
Interpersonal conflict at the workplace? So what if we told another co-worker to look at so-and-so's pics that were posted on facebook over the weekend. Did that really deserve for that so-and-so to confront me?
Okay, so enough with the sarcasm...I understand that there are people under 30 who have a lot more responsibility (such as actually having to pay a house payment), but in general, I really can't relate to the reasons listed....
So what makes us under 30's so angry?
Our comfortable living. We are, in general, spoiled (I wholly acknowledge the sin I am committing of grouping millions of American young people in a box, so if this stereotype does not pertain to you then I apologize). And when you live very isolated from the real world and the problems and stresses that the real world can throw at you, you begin to focus on little problems, and little dramas, and little "he said, she says" as the focus of your life. You forget to see the bigger picture of blessings and focus on the most unimportant of details. We are an obsessive compulsive generation who wants this that and the other in perfect order and harmony...
Never willing to acknowledge that life will never give in to such demands. So when real problems hit in our lives, we are not prepared with how to synthesize the information. We then just freak out. We throw out the baby with the bathwater and also the entire bathtub. We get angry.
Posted by
Joel Riley
5:56 PM
Switchfoot on Tonight Show
Switchfoot performed "Mess of Me" on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien on Wednesday, December 2, 2009. This song is indicative of their new album, with thoughtful contemporary lyrics set to upbeat music.
Posted by
1:29 PM
Labels: Switchfoot
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Anne Rice: Talk About Bad Career Move
Long before Twilight mania, Anne Rice made writing about vampires a one-woman empire. Now, everyone’s writing about vampires, and she’s begun a new series on . . . angels. (Isn’t that what everyone was writing about when she was doing vampires?)
Anyway, everything she writes is a best seller so it’s nice to see the Catholic Rice is now exploring other themes now that she's left atheism behind.
In this interview with Powell’s Books, she names Jesus as the most influential person in her life.
Posted by
5:55 PM
Labels: Anne Rice
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Pentecostal Church Gives $ Away!
Grace Church of Humble (TX), pastored by former UPCers Scott and Brent Jones gave away $20,000 this past Sunday to their congregation!
Except it was about "Paying it Forward!" Members received between $6 - $500 in $2 bills. It's a great idea. Check out the videos here and here.
Posted by
5:12 PM
The Recession: It's Not That Simple
Michael Lewis continues to be our best print journalist on the Wall Street Implosion of 2008.
Remember how AIG decided to continue with their Executive’s Retreat the week after accepting government money? Thie piece on AIG shows how messy and complicated it gets – the AIG traders blamed for their own downfall actually lost about $500m of their own money in the collapse because they were required to reinvest half of their bonuses in the company!
It’s eye-opening and worth your time. (Yes, it’s long. So what? It helps explain our now.)
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: Wall Street