Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sharing God's Grace: Yann Martel

I have to admit, I still get a thrill out of getting an article printed in another publication. Sometimes it can take a maddeningly long time, but then you see it and you fall in love again.

In this case, I did an interview in April, 2008 with Yann Martel, author of the Booker Award-winning Life of Pi. He's a fabulous story about an atheist writing a novel about a believer named Pi, and literally converting himself into belief. Now he speaks to lit conferences around the world about the importance of belief.

One interesting sidebar to this story, from my angle, was how few Christian publications were interested in this piece after they realized he didn't convert to their denomination. (Of course, the secular publications weren't interested either.) Don't get me wrong, he's still in the early stages of his walk with Christ, yet I was amazed at God's grace in his circumstances. I mean, he converted himself by writing fiction!

Thankfully, there were magazines as intrigued as I was, so here's the story (with fabulous artwork) in the latest issue of Relevant Magazine.

1 comment:

brian said...

Congrats!! Got to read that book now!