Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pentecostal Job Opportunity

President Timothy A. Dugas Resigns
Trustees Begin Executive Search

SAINT LOUIS, MO - May 22, 2009 - Reverend Timothy A. Dugas has announced his decision to resign as president of Gateway College of Evangelism. His sixteen years of service as president mark the longest tenure in the history of the College. President Dugas is an alumnus of Gateway, and prior to serving as president, he was a member of the board of directors of the College.

Gateway has made significant progress in every area of operation during his tenure as president, including improvements to the campus buildings and property, enhancements in faculty retention and educational qualifications, and an aggressive pursuit of regional accreditation. President Dugas and Gateway remain committed to the challenging accreditation process, which has already resulted in across-the-board improvements in the operation of the college.

The board of trustees has appointed a presidential search committee to search for suitable candidates for the office of the presidency. Until this process is complete, Reverend Dugas will continue to serve the College as president. He remains committed to the mission of the College and has pledged his active support for Gateway College of Evangelism.

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